USA Taken Over by Communists - … They seek to conquer the United States in a manner so that it “voluntarily” falls into the Red orbit. If we have to be conquered by destructive nuclear-age weapons, it will be considered…Edward Hunter


“The question is only whether world government will be achieved by consent or by conquest”, JAMES WARBURG, JEW).




“We must turn Russia into a desert populated by white negroes (but Jews are not white) upon whom we shall impose a tyranny such as the most terrible Eastern despots never dreamt of. The only difference is that this will be a left-wing tyranny, not a right-wing tyranny. It will be a red tyranny and not a white one. We mean the word ‘red’ literally, because we shall shed such floods of blood as will make all the human losses suffered in the capitalist wars pale by comparison. The biggest bankers across the ocean will work in the closest possible contact with us. If we win the revolution, we shall establish the power of Zionism upon the wreckage of the revolution’s funeral, and we shall become a power before which the whole world will sink to its knees. We shall show what real power is. By means of terror and bloodbaths, we shall reduce the Russian intelligentsia to a state of complete stupefaction and idiocy and to an animal existence.” Trotsky Quote, Jewish Bolshevist Soviet Mass Murderer and one of the usurpers of the Russian government (1917)


United States House of Representatives
FRANCIS E. WALTER, Pennsylvania, Chairman
CLYDE DOYLE, California DONALD L. JACKSON, California
Richard Arens, Staff Director



- March 13, 1958 -

Excerpt from the book below:


Communist psychological warfare is now winning such extensive
victories in the United States that the Red bloc will not need to employ
direct military force against us in order to win the total war which
they are waging, with this country the principal target, Edward
Hunter, American expert on Communist brainwashing, warned in a
consultation with the staff of the Committee on Un-American Activities.

Mr. Hunter, whose career as a foreign correspondent, author, editor,
world traveler, and specialist in propaganda warfare, qualifies him as
an authority on Communist propaganda techniques, stated:

“I spent 30 years, a little bit more perhaps, in countries under
various forms of Communist pressure and attack. What I am witnessing
in America is no different from what I saw in those other
countries. I am often referred to as someone who has made phenomenal
predictions that proved correct on things to come. Actually,
I have never made a prediction as such in my life. I have only predicted
in the manner that one predicts the total of 4 after seeing the
figures 2 plus 2.

“I have been watching developments under communism in other
parts of the world, and now I see exactly the same developments
here in America.”

These developments, he continued, “include, first of all, the penetration
of our leadership circles by a softening up and creating a
defeatist state of mind. This includes penetration of our educational
circles by a similar state of mind, in addition to one other thing—the
long-range perspective of the professor who is above anything that is
happening here and now, and considers himself as an objective spectator
in a long, long vista of history.

“I see, primarily, as part of this softening up process in America, the
liquidation of our attitudes on what we used to recognize as right and
wrong, what we used to accept as absolute moral standards. We
now confuse moral standards with the sophistication of dialectical
materialism, with a Communist crackpot theology which teaches that
everything changes, and that what is right or wrong, good or bad,
changes as well. So nothing they say is really good or bad. There is
no such thing as truth or a lie; and any belief we actually held was
simply our being unsophisticated. They don’t say this in so many
words, except to those who are already indoctrinated in communism.
What they do say to the rest of us is to be objective; and then they
twist that word ‘objective’ into meaning what they mean by dialectical

“War has changed its form,” Mr. Hunter declared. “The Communists
have discovered that a man killed by a bullet is useless.
He can dig no coal. They have discovered that a demolished city is
useless. Its mills produce no cloth. The objective of Communist
warfare is to capture intact the minds of the people and their 


possessions, so they can be put to use. This is the modern conception of
slavery, that puts all others in the kindergarten age.
“The United States is the main battlefield in this Red war. I mean
specifically the people and the soil and the resources of the United

“It should be obvious to anyone who has observed the so-called
cold war that the United States is its principal target. We need only
read what the Communists themselves say, but we refuse to do so,
exactly as we could not believe that Hitler meant what he said in
Mein Kampf.”

“The first battles in this total war have already been won by the
forces of international communism in the United States. These
victories are identical to those they have won in every country which
they have ultimately taken over. -

• They have succeeded in softening up a large element of the American population, particularly among those to whom we look for guidance, our so-called intellectuals and
our so-called liberal circles. They have succeeded in making the
United States think and talk of a coexistence period as if that were
an end in itself; while in other parts of the world, as in India, the Reds
frankly explain that this coexistence is merely intended to give the
Americans an easy way to choose then road toward communism.
“This is strategy. The Kremlin is merely giving the United States
a choice of surrendering by voluntary change of attitude, to avoid
more destructive ways of surrender.

Unfortunately, in the United States, large elements, mainly among our non-Communist population, have been softened up into believing that if we can just stall on this
situation, it will take care of itself. The Reds have succeeded in
inducing business communities to look to Soviet trade as a means of
restoring prosperity. Large business elements, with all their financial
and other resources, are now being used to help the Communist
objective of softening up America for recognition and acceptance of
Red China, for instance.”

The Communists are being abetted in their brainwashing program
in the United States, Mr. Hunter declared, by the collapse of traditional
American ideals of self-reliance and individual integrity.
“The Communists have been operating for a full generation, taking
strategic advantage of the American principles, exploiting the best
sides in our characters as vulnerabilities, and succeeding for a generation
in changing the characteristics of Americans. I remember when
I was a young man, every personnel department was looking for
leadership qualities. What was sought was a man’s capacity as an
individual to achieve new things. Today that is not even considered
by personnel departments in then employment policies. They ask,
instead, if the man ‘gets along’ with everybody. They do not ask
what is his individuality; they ask how he conforms.

When we raise a young man to believe that at all costs he must get on with everyone,
we have put him into a state of mind that almost guarantees, if he
falls into the hands of an enemy such as the Communists, that he will
react as he had been raised, to try ‘to get on,’ because he must not be
‘antisocial.’ Being ‘antisocial’ has become the cardinal sin in our
society. We have to again go back to characteristics of ours which
made us, as individuals, say that what is right is right, and whether
or not it is antisocial, makes no difference. The young man who
broadcast for the Red Chinese was simply ‘getting along’ as he had
been taught to do by our educators.”


As an example of the success the Communists are achieving,
Mr. Hunter cited statistics on American prisoners of war in Korea.
“Never before in history had so many captured Americans gone to
the aid of the enemy.

“For 2 years the services studied the records of the prisoners.
What they found was not pretty.

“A total of 7,190 Americans were captured. Of these, 6,656 were
Army troops, 263 were airmen, 231 Marines, 40 Navy men.
“In every war in American history some men have managed to
escape. Korea was the exception.

“Roughly 1 of every 3 American prisoners collaborated with the
Communists in some way, either as informers or as propagandists.
“In the 20 prison camps, 2,730 of the 7,190 Americans died, the
highest mortality rate among prisoners in United States history.
Many of them died unnecessarily. They either did not know how
to take care of themselves or they just lay down and quit. Some sick
or wounded died of malnutrition abandoned by their comrades.
“Discipline among Americans was almost nonexistent. It was a
case of dog eat dog for food, cigarettes, blankets, clothes.

“For the first time in history Americans—21 of them—swallowed
the enemy’s propaganda line and declined to return to their own

Mr. Hunter declared that in the struggle with the Soviet Union,
“we are losing so fast that unless we put a very drastic end to it,
the question of who is winning will be academic in a decade.”
“People at lectures and elsewhere,” he declared, “frequently ask that
of me, as if begging me to say that we are winning. I wish I could,
but one only has to think of the position of the United States at the
end of the war and compare it to now. We only have to look at the
map of the world as it was when we signed the peace on the battleship
Missouri and compare it to the map now. Great areas with enormous
populations have fallen into the hands of the Reds, not through any
approximation to the democratic process, but through sheer power
pressures, by psychological warfare.”

Even an ultimate superiority in military weapons may not be sufficient
to guarantee the survival of the United States, Mr. Hunter
cautioned. “In Korea, we had atomic weapons, but lost the war and were unable
to use those weapons because of a political and psychological climate
created .by the Communists. The Kremlin today is fighting total war,
and this means total, not with weapons of physical destruction alone,
but mental destruction, too. The new weapons are for conquest
intact, of peoples and cities. The future Pearl Harbor sputnik will
be used if the situation demands it. But not unless the Kremlin has
first succeeded in conquering the character and minds of a large enough
element of the American people so that it will be fitting itself into the
desires and needs of the Communist apparatus, no matter whether
they think of themselves as Red or anti-Communist.”
Mr. Hunter continued: “The most deadly misconception of all,
that requires a softening up in our thinking before we can make it,
is the idea that there are different .kinds of communism, and that
besides international communism there is something called national
communism, which fundamentally differs. There is nothing of the
sort. We are again interpreting, on the basis of wishful thinking,


what the Communists themselves are plainly saying. We base this
national communism conception on Titoism. Tito at no time disowned
or expressed doubt in any of the fundamental tenets of communism,
and he is today expending all the time he can in trying to
tell the world that he believes in communism, intends Communist
objectives to win out in the long run all over the world. Communism
in this, too, has been able, as always, to get the help it needs from the
non-Communist and principally the anti-Communist world.
“Each time there has been a crisis in Soviet Russia, it could depend
on the outside world for help. Today, under the theory that there
are different forms of communism, and some Communist forms are
not really Communist, or are less Communist than others, we are
giving through aid programs and such propaganda assists as so-called
exchange scholarships, the help and sustenance that these Communist
countries require to survive. I have heard that under certain technical
requirements of the law, completely fantastic statements have
come from the White House and the State Department that communism
in Yugoslavia really isn’t communism any more, and that
communism in Poland is not real communism. I thought we had
learned our lesson in China. We said that the communism of China,
the communism of Mao Tse-tung was not really communism. We
said it was not the communism of Moscow. Mao Tse-tung was saying
it was the same communism, exactly as Tito says that the Communist
ideology is basically the same everywhere, and that the objective for
a Communist world is identical.”


United States House of Representatives,
Committee on Un-American Activities,
Washington, D. O. consultation

The following consultation with Edward Hunter, author and
foreign correspondent, was held at 10 a. m., March 13, 1958, in room
226, Old House Office Building, Washington, D. C, pursuant to the
authorization of the Committee on Un-American Activities composed

FRANCIS E. WALTER, Pennsylvania, Chairman
CLYDE DOYLE, California DONALD L. JACKSON, California
Staff members present: Richard Arens, staff director, and William
F. Heimlich, consultant.

Mr. Arens. The session today is the first in a series of consultations
on the subject of the Communist psychological warfare which
the Committee on Un-American Activities has inaugurated.
We are pleased to welcome to the consultation today Mr. Edward
Hunter, whose distinguished career as foreign correspondent, author,
editor, world traveler, and specialist in psychological warfare eminently
qualifies him to speak authoritatively on the subject at hand.


Mr. Arens. Mr. Hunter, may I ask you if you would kindly give
us for the purpose of this record a thumbnail sketch of your own
personal history?

Mr. Hunter. I am a journalist whose career began on a newspaper
in New Jersey, the Newark Ledger, where I became news editor, then
went to Europe and joined the Chicago Tribune in Paris. After an
interlude on newspapers in America, I went to Japan to join the Japan
Advertiser, becoming its news editor.

A year later, I went to China and took over the Hankow Herald
from the Communists. The Reds had just left, and.shopkeepers still
were talking of boxes of American dollars brought in by Moscow.

Colonel Heimlich. What year was that, Mr. Hunter?

Mr. Hunter. Between 1926 and 1928. I remember events well,
but not their years. Next I went to Peking to become managing editor of the Peking
Leader. I joined the Hearst newspaper syndicates in 1931, when the
“Manchuria Incident” began. I witnessed the creation of the puppet
state of Manchukuo. I accompanied the League of Nations mission
of inquiry in Manchuria and saw the coronation of Emperor Pu-yi,
now a prisoner of the Reds.


Hearst’s International News Service then sent me to Europe about he
time of the Reichstag fire and its fake trial. I covered the conquest
of Ethiopia by the Italian Fascists, which took modern psychological
warfare one step beyond Manchukuo. I also saw two civil
wars in Spain, the outbreak in the Basque territory and the big fight,
which was a rehearsal for World War II.
Back to Europe, I witnessed the intrigue in the various foreign offices
preceding the outbreak of hostilities. I saw the Nazis take back the
Rhineland, and how the Germany Army expected the French Government
under Premier Flandin to exhibit determination and show up Hitler
as a failure. Instead, it provided Hitler with a new demonstration
of seemingly inevitable victory, and World War II, of course, followed.
I returned to America just before World War II, joining the foreign
news desk of the New York Post. The Newspaper Guild then was
Communist-dominated. I set up a national committee to coordinate
the efforts of the various anti-Communist factions. For the first time
in the history of trade unionism in America, the entire executive
committee of a union was voted out, although all I did was simply
communicate with these anti-Communist units and let them know
they were not alone. This election restored the Newspaper Guild
to American instead of Moscow-orientated newspapermen.

Colonel Heimlich. When the war came along, Mr. Hunter, you
went into OSS, I understand.

Mr. Hunter. Yes; as a propaganda specialist. I call that my
sabbatical year—really 2 years—away from journalism.

Colonel Heimlich. You covered a very broad area of Asia during
the war years, didn’t you?

Mr. Hunter. I was in what is generally known as the CBI theater:
China, Burma, and India.

Colonel Heimlich. Do you find a measurable difference between
the attitudes of the people dining that period and the present?

Mr. Hunter. During that period, America still had its old meaning
to the peoples of Asia as a symbol of hope that could be relied on to
help on a realistic basis. Back on the New York Post after the war, I found myself in the
midst of a little cold war that perfectly reflected the big one. The
Post helped Wallace for President, and I got up a petition which almost
everybody on the staff signed, pointing out that this did not represent
our true feelings. The result was a thunderbolt to the lady who
owned the newspaper. She fired the executives and divorced her husband,
the publisher. He went out and started the pro-Red Compass.
I stayed on a while as foreign news editor, then returned to Asia
as roving correspondent for the Cox newspapers. I interviewed
Chinese who had escaped from the Red holocaust, witnessed the jungle
warfare in Malaya, and the war by terror in Indochina. I traveled
between Japan, Indonesia, and Burma. Recently I returned after a
year in Afghanistan.

Mr. Arens. Mr. Hunter, how would you characterize the struggle
between the East and the WTest?

Mr. Hunter. We do not have a war between the East and West,
Certainly the Filipinos are not in the West. They are mostly Asians,
like the peoples of Thailand, Iran, and Japan.
This expression, “the war between the East and the West,” has
become a part of our thinking processes, an example of how a phrase


can put great masses of people in a camp where they do not belong.

What we really have is a total war in which a pattern for conquest by the Communist hierarchy is set up against the peoples of all countries outside the Red orbit—no matter whether they call themselves anti-
Communist or neutralists.

Mr. Ahexs. Who are the antagonists in this total war?

Mr. Hunter. They are the Communists on the one side and all the
other peoples of the world on the other. The Reds have a very practical
setup. The antagonists, in their view, are the two strongest elements:
on the one side the Kremlin, on the other side the United States.

Mr. Arens. When you say there is a total war, what do you mean?
It is obvious that there is very little shooting going on in the world
today. What are the devices of this total war?

Mr. Hunter. War has changed its form. The Communists have
discovered that a man killed by a bullet is useless. He can dig no
coal. They have discovered that a demolished city is useless. Its
mills produce no cloth. The objective of Communist warfare is to
capture intact the minds of the people and their possessions, so they
can be put to use. This is the modern conception of slavery, that
puts all others in the kindergarten age.

Mr. Arens. Where is this war being waged.? Where are the battlefields?
What are its geographical locations?

Mr. Hunter. The battlefield is wherever there is no Red “peace.”
Peace, in the Communist vocabulary, is the period when all have
accepted, in a so-called voluntary manner, the inevitability of a
Communist world. The battlefields are all the countries which have
not yet fallen into this Red orbit. The weapons used in this war are
adjusted to the practical situation in each of those countries.

Mr. Arens. What are those weapons?

Mr. Hunter. They range from a smile and a “discussion meeting”
to a leaflet and a bullet.

Mr. Arexs. Is the United States part of this battlefield?

Mr. Huxter. The United States is the main battlefield in this
Red war. I mean specifically the people and the soil and the resources
of the United States.

It should be obvious to anyone who has observed the so-called cold
war that the United States is its principal target. We need only read
what the Communists themselves say, but we refuse to do so, exactly
as we could not believe that Hitler meant what he said, in Mein Kampf.

Mr. Arexs. Does this mean that the principal objective is to convert
the people of the United States to communism? Is their objective
conversion, or subversion and conquest?

Mr. Huxter. Since Hungary, the world should know that communism
is not an ideology except as a weapon for conquest. The
Red objective against the United States is not the conversion of the
American people to communism any more than it was to make true
Communists out of the American prisoners of war in Korea. The
Communist system is a power system, just as was that of Genghis
Khan. We now have the same invading armies, given a new, pious
political phraseology, making them hypocritical in a manner that the
original hordes never were. The objective of all Communist conquest
is simply use for power. They seek to conquer the United States in a
manner so that it “voluntarily” falls into the Red orbit, If we have to
be conquered by destructive nuclear-age weapons, it will be considered


a setback by the Kremlin. Their objective is to make the same use of
the American people as they make of the Czechs in the uranium
mines in Czechoslovakia, and as they make of the Chinese in the mills
of China. We are to become subjects of a “New World Order” for the
benefit of a mad little knot of despots in the Kremlin.

Mr. Arens. On the basis of your background and experience, and as an
intimate observer of this total war, Mr. Hunter, please express to us now
your best appraisal of who is winning and who is losing this total war?

Mr. Hunter. I am always surprised to hear that question. People
at lectures and elsewhere frequently ask that of me, as if begging me to
say that we are winning. I wish I could, but one only has to think
of the position of the United States at the end of the war and compare
it to now. We only have to look at the map of the world as it was
when we signed the peace on the battleship Missouri and compare it
to the map now. Great areas with enormous populations have fallen
into the hands of the Reds, not through any approximation to the
democratic process, but through sheer power pressures, by psychological
warfare. We are losing so fast that unless we put a very
drastic end to it, the question of who is winning will be academic in a
decade. People today also like to say, “This is a hundred-year war.”
Human beings cannot remain in that sort of tenseness for a hundred
years, and the Soviet Russia regime knows it. We are being lulled into
feeling that although we are losing, we don’t have to do anything about
it because by the time the situation reaches a climax we will be dead.
We may be dead, but it won’t be the result of a natural death. I try
to avoid phrases such as “the clock is nearly striking 12,” but there
are times when they are the best descriptions of a reality, and this is
one such time.

Mr. Arens. Some may ask how can you say that, Mr. Hunter,
when we here in the United States are separated by thousands of miles
of ocean from any potential military aggressor, when we have such
military might and such apparent alertness to the potential threat of
an attack by guided missiles?

Mr. Hunter. I wish we had alertness. We have everything except
alertness to the way the Kremlin is fighting this war. We are being
tremendously alert to the ways it is not fighting this war.

Mr. Arens. What do you mean by that?

Mr. Hunter. In Korea, we had atomic weapons, but lost the war
and were unable to use those weapons because of a political and psychological
climate created by the Communists. The Kremlin today is
fighting total war, and this means total, not with weapons of physical
destruction alone, but mental destruction, too. The new weapons
are for conquest intact, of peoples and cities. The future Pearl Harbor
sputnik will be used if the situation demands it. But not unless the
Kremlin has first succeeded in conquering the character and minds of
a large enough element of the American people so that it will be fitting
itself into the desires and needs of the Communist apparatus, no
matter whether they think of themselves as Red or anti-Communist.

Mr. Arens. What is the nature of the victories which are being
won by the international Communist apparatus in the United States?
Mr. Hunter. The first battles in this total war have already been
won by the forces of international communism in the United States.
These victories are identical to those they have won in every country
which they have ultimately taken over. They have succeeded in soft

ening up a large element of the American population, particularly
among those to whom we look for guidance, our so-called intellectuals
and our so-called liberal circles. They have succeeded in making the
United States think and talk of a coexistence period as if that were
an end in itself; while in other parts of the world, as in India, the
Reds frankly explain that this coexistence is merely intended to give
the Americans an easy way to choose their road toward communism.
This is strategy. The Kremlin is merely giving the United States
a choice of surrendering by voluntary change of attitude, to avoid
more destructive ways of surrender. Unfortunately, in the United
States, large elements, mainly among our non-Communist population,
have been softened up into believing that if we can just stall on this
situation, it will take care of itself. The Reds have succeeded in
inducing business communities to look to Soviet trade as a means of
restoring prosperity. Large business elements, with all their financial
and other resources, are now being used to help the Communist objective
of softening up America for recognition and acceptance of Red
China, for instance.

This Communist offensive has a double objective. One is the softening
up, first stage of this total war. The other is to convince the
peoples in their own Red-dominated countries that there is no hope.
Since the Hungarian revolt, nobody in a Communist country thinks
any longer of a Red ideology, but only of Red power. The overwhelming
mass of people are against communism in each Red country,
including Red China and Red Russia. The only means by which
these people can be discouraged from overthrowing their despots is
by convincing them that they stand all alone; that the free world has
accepted communism as inevitable.

American students, professors, and businessmen who wander
through Red countries, in the eyes of the people there, confirm the
Communist propaganda line that there is no hope; that the free world,
especially America, the symbol of the free world, has given in to the
Reds. That was the Communist purpose at the much-publicized
Bandung Conference, when the Asian and African countries met. The
broadcasts to the people of China by the Peking regime stressed that
all this proved that the outside world had recognized that Red China is
here to stay. Any time an American student walks down a street in
Red China, he is conveying one message to the silenced people who
see him, and that is, “Don’t look to the outside world, don’t look to
America, for help in your hour of need. We have.let you down. We are
betraying you.” There is no hate so fierce as the hate of a friend who
feels he has been betrayed, and that is the theme of the whole world
Communist propaganda program today; to convince the people inside
communism, who hate it, that we have betrayed them, while convincing
the people outside of the Communist world, principally in America,
that there is a future for what they call, in their doubletalk, coexistence.

Mr. Arexs. What is your reaction to the suggestions which we now
hear from many quarters that the United States of America through
its leaders sit down at a conference table with Kruschchev and his
associates and work out an agreement or agreements of some kind
to solve this impasse?

•Mr. Hunter. You can always sit down around a green table with
the Communists and negotiate anything you wish, so long as it does
not require actual concessions by the Communist world, but requires


only such concessions by ourselves. That has been the uninterrupted
record of such negotiations with the Reds.

Mr. Arens. What, in your judgment, would be the result of another
summit meeting?

Mr. Hunter. The same as all such meetings in the past, only on
an aggravated scale. We had a Geneva Conference. The results
were broadcast throughout Asia as a stunning defeat for the free
world. The results in actual conquest, the taking over of non-Communist
areas by the Communists, were visible to anyone who compared
maps. The Geneva Conference was a surrender. Its “spirit of Geneva,”
which Prime Minister Nehru holds forth as the pattern to be
followed by us in the future, meant no more than piecemeal surrender.
The Reds will always give up something that is a paper promise, no
matter what, in exchange for something tangible. We still accept
paper promises as equivalent to what is tangible. So long as we continue
in that delusion, such conferences serve only the purpose of
continued chiseling away of parts of the free world.

Mr. Arens. Let us return to what you have characterized as the
battleground in the United States in this total war, Mr. Hunter. It is
quite obvious that there is no shooting going on in the United States.
What is going on here that you can characterize or describe?

Mr. Hunter. I spent 30 years, a little bit more perhaps, in countries
under various forms of Communist pressure and attack. What I am
witnessing in America is no different from what I saw in those other
countries. I am often referred to as someone who has made phenomenal
predictions that proved correct on things to come. Actually,
I have never made a prediction as such in my life. I have only
predicted in the manner that one predicts the total of 4 after seeing
the figures 2 plus 2.

I have been watching developments under communism in other
parts of the world, and now I see exactly the same developments
here in America.

Mr. Arens. What are those developments?

Mr. Hunter. They include, first of all, the penetration of our
leadership circles by a softening up and creating a defeatist state of
mind. This includes penetration of our educational circles by a
similar state of mind, in addition to one other thing—the long-range
perspective of the professor who is above anything that is happening
here and now, and considers himself as an objective spectator in a long,
long vista of history. I see primarily, as part of this softening up
process in America, the liquidation of our attitudes on what we used to
recognize as right and wrong, what we used to accept as absolute moral
standards. We now confuse moral standards with the sophistication
of dialectical materialism, with a Communist crackpot theology which
teaches that everything changes, and that what is right or wrong,
good or bad, changes as well. So nothing they say is really good or
bad. There is no such thing as truth or a lie ; and any belief we actually
held was simply our being unsophisticated. They don’t say this in
so many words, except to those who are already indoctrinated in
communism. What they do say to the rest of us is to be objective;
and then they twist that word “objective” into meaning what they
mean by dialectical materialism.

Mr. Arens. Is this weakening in America coincidental with the
Communist drive, or in your opinion, is it concocted and deliberate?

- to continue reading, download this book - ca. 40 pages



United States House of Representatives
FRANCIS E. WALTER, Pennsylvania, Chairman
CLYDE DOYLE, California DONALD L. JACKSON, California
Richard Arens, Staff Director



- March 13, 1958 -

Excerpt from the book below:


Communist psychological warfare is now winning such extensive
victories in the United States that the Red bloc will not need to employ
direct military force against us in order to win the total war which
they are waging, with this country the principal target, Edward
Hunter, American expert on Communist brainwashing, warned in a
consultation with the staff of the Committee on Un-American Activities.

Mr. Hunter, whose career as a foreign correspondent, author, editor,
world traveler, and specialist in propaganda warfare, qualifies him as
an authority on Communist propaganda techniques, stated:

“I spent 30 years, a little bit more perhaps, in countries under
various forms of Communist pressure and attack. What I am witnessing
in America is no different from what I saw in those other
countries. I am often referred to as someone who has made phenomenal
predictions that proved correct on things to come. Actually,
I have never made a prediction as such in my life. I have only predicted
in the manner that one predicts the total of 4 after seeing the
figures 2 plus 2.

“I have been watching developments under communism in other
parts of the world, and now I see exactly the same developments
here in America.”

These developments, he continued, “include, first of all, the penetration
of our leadership circles by a softening up and creating a
defeatist state of mind. This includes penetration of our educational
circles by a similar state of mind, in addition to one other thing—the
long-range perspective of the professor who is above anything that is
happening here and now, and considers himself as an objective spectator
in a long, long vista of history.

“I see, primarily, as part of this softening up process in America, the
liquidation of our attitudes on what we used to recognize as right and
wrong, what we used to accept as absolute moral standards. We
now confuse moral standards with the sophistication of dialectical
materialism, with a Communist crackpot theology which teaches that
everything changes, and that what is right or wrong, good or bad,
changes as well. So nothing they say is really good or bad. There is
no such thing as truth or a lie; and any belief we actually held was
simply our being unsophisticated. They don’t say this in so many
words, except to those who are already indoctrinated in communism.
What they do say to the rest of us is to be objective; and then they
twist that word ‘objective’ into meaning what they mean by dialectical

“War has changed its form,” Mr. Hunter declared. “The Communists
have discovered that a man killed by a bullet is useless.
He can dig no coal. They have discovered that a demolished city is
useless. Its mills produce no cloth. The objective of Communist
warfare is to capture intact the minds of the people and their 


possessions, so they can be put to use. This is the modern conception of
slavery, that puts all others in the kindergarten age.
“The United States is the main battlefield in this Red war. I mean
specifically the people and the soil and the resources of the United

“It should be obvious to anyone who has observed the so-called
cold war that the United States is its principal target. We need only
read what the Communists themselves say, but we refuse to do so,
exactly as we could not believe that Hitler meant what he said in
Mein Kampf.”

“The first battles in this total war have already been won by the
forces of international communism in the United States. These
victories are identical to those they have won in every country which
they have ultimately taken over. -

• They have succeeded in softening up a large element of the American population, particularly among those to whom we look for guidance, our so-called intellectuals and
our so-called liberal circles. They have succeeded in making the
United States think and talk of a coexistence period as if that were
an end in itself; while in other parts of the world, as in India, the Reds
frankly explain that this coexistence is merely intended to give the
Americans an easy way to choose then road toward communism.
“This is strategy. The Kremlin is merely giving the United States
a choice of surrendering by voluntary change of attitude, to avoid
more destructive ways of surrender.

Unfortunately, in the United States, large elements, mainly among our non-Communist population, have been softened up into believing that if we can just stall on this
situation, it will take care of itself. The Reds have succeeded in
inducing business communities to look to Soviet trade as a means of
restoring prosperity. Large business elements, with all their financial
and other resources, are now being used to help the Communist
objective of softening up America for recognition and acceptance of
Red China, for instance.”

The Communists are being abetted in their brainwashing program
in the United States, Mr. Hunter declared, by the collapse of traditional
American ideals of self-reliance and individual integrity.
“The Communists have been operating for a full generation, taking
strategic advantage of the American principles, exploiting the best
sides in our characters as vulnerabilities, and succeeding for a generation
in changing the characteristics of Americans. I remember when
I was a young man, every personnel department was looking for
leadership qualities. What was sought was a man’s capacity as an
individual to achieve new things. Today that is not even considered
by personnel departments in then employment policies. They ask,
instead, if the man ‘gets along’ with everybody. They do not ask
what is his individuality; they ask how he conforms.

When we raise a young man to believe that at all costs he must get on with everyone,
we have put him into a state of mind that almost guarantees, if he
falls into the hands of an enemy such as the Communists, that he will
react as he had been raised, to try ‘to get on,’ because he must not be
‘antisocial.’ Being ‘antisocial’ has become the cardinal sin in our
society. We have to again go back to characteristics of ours which
made us, as individuals, say that what is right is right, and whether
or not it is antisocial, makes no difference. The young man who
broadcast for the Red Chinese was simply ‘getting along’ as he had
been taught to do by our educators.”


As an example of the success the Communists are achieving,
Mr. Hunter cited statistics on American prisoners of war in Korea.
“Never before in history had so many captured Americans gone to
the aid of the enemy.

“For 2 years the services studied the records of the prisoners.
What they found was not pretty.

“A total of 7,190 Americans were captured. Of these, 6,656 were
Army troops, 263 were airmen, 231 Marines, 40 Navy men.
“In every war in American history some men have managed to
escape. Korea was the exception.

“Roughly 1 of every 3 American prisoners collaborated with the
Communists in some way, either as informers or as propagandists.
“In the 20 prison camps, 2,730 of the 7,190 Americans died, the
highest mortality rate among prisoners in United States history.
Many of them died unnecessarily. They either did not know how
to take care of themselves or they just lay down and quit. Some sick
or wounded died of malnutrition abandoned by their comrades.
“Discipline among Americans was almost nonexistent. It was a
case of dog eat dog for food, cigarettes, blankets, clothes.

“For the first time in history Americans—21 of them—swallowed
the enemy’s propaganda line and declined to return to their own

Mr. Hunter declared that in the struggle with the Soviet Union,
“we are losing so fast that unless we put a very drastic end to it,
the question of who is winning will be academic in a decade.”
“People at lectures and elsewhere,” he declared, “frequently ask that
of me, as if begging me to say that we are winning. I wish I could,
but one only has to think of the position of the United States at the
end of the war and compare it to now. We only have to look at the
map of the world as it was when we signed the peace on the battleship
Missouri and compare it to the map now. Great areas with enormous
populations have fallen into the hands of the Reds, not through any
approximation to the democratic process, but through sheer power
pressures, by psychological warfare.”

Even an ultimate superiority in military weapons may not be sufficient
to guarantee the survival of the United States, Mr. Hunter
cautioned. “In Korea, we had atomic weapons, but lost the war and were unable
to use those weapons because of a political and psychological climate
created .by the Communists. The Kremlin today is fighting total war,
and this means total, not with weapons of physical destruction alone,
but mental destruction, too. The new weapons are for conquest
intact, of peoples and cities. The future Pearl Harbor sputnik will
be used if the situation demands it. But not unless the Kremlin has
first succeeded in conquering the character and minds of a large enough
element of the American people so that it will be fitting itself into the
desires and needs of the Communist apparatus, no matter whether
they think of themselves as Red or anti-Communist.”
Mr. Hunter continued: “The most deadly misconception of all,
that requires a softening up in our thinking before we can make it,
is the idea that there are different .kinds of communism, and that
besides international communism there is something called national
communism, which fundamentally differs. There is nothing of the
sort. We are again interpreting, on the basis of wishful thinking,


what the Communists themselves are plainly saying. We base this
national communism conception on Titoism. Tito at no time disowned
or expressed doubt in any of the fundamental tenets of communism,
and he is today expending all the time he can in trying to
tell the world that he believes in communism, intends Communist
objectives to win out in the long run all over the world. Communism
in this, too, has been able, as always, to get the help it needs from the
non-Communist and principally the anti-Communist world.
“Each time there has been a crisis in Soviet Russia, it could depend
on the outside world for help. Today, under the theory that there
are different forms of communism, and some Communist forms are
not really Communist, or are less Communist than others, we are
giving through aid programs and such propaganda assists as so-called
exchange scholarships, the help and sustenance that these Communist
countries require to survive. I have heard that under certain technical
requirements of the law, completely fantastic statements have
come from the White House and the State Department that communism
in Yugoslavia really isn’t communism any more, and that
communism in Poland is not real communism. I thought we had
learned our lesson in China. We said that the communism of China,
the communism of Mao Tse-tung was not really communism. We
said it was not the communism of Moscow. Mao Tse-tung was saying
it was the same communism, exactly as Tito says that the Communist
ideology is basically the same everywhere, and that the objective for
a Communist world is identical.”


United States House of Representatives,
Committee on Un-American Activities,
Washington, D. O. consultation

The following consultation with Edward Hunter, author and
foreign correspondent, was held at 10 a. m., March 13, 1958, in room
226, Old House Office Building, Washington, D. C, pursuant to the
authorization of the Committee on Un-American Activities composed

FRANCIS E. WALTER, Pennsylvania, Chairman
CLYDE DOYLE, California DONALD L. JACKSON, California
Staff members present: Richard Arens, staff director, and William
F. Heimlich, consultant.

Mr. Arens. The session today is the first in a series of consultations
on the subject of the Communist psychological warfare which
the Committee on Un-American Activities has inaugurated.
We are pleased to welcome to the consultation today Mr. Edward
Hunter, whose distinguished career as foreign correspondent, author,
editor, world traveler, and specialist in psychological warfare eminently
qualifies him to speak authoritatively on the subject at hand.


Mr. Arens. Mr. Hunter, may I ask you if you would kindly give
us for the purpose of this record a thumbnail sketch of your own
personal history?

Mr. Hunter. I am a journalist whose career began on a newspaper
in New Jersey, the Newark Ledger, where I became news editor, then
went to Europe and joined the Chicago Tribune in Paris. After an
interlude on newspapers in America, I went to Japan to join the Japan
Advertiser, becoming its news editor.

A year later, I went to China and took over the Hankow Herald
from the Communists. The Reds had just left, and.shopkeepers still
were talking of boxes of American dollars brought in by Moscow.

Colonel Heimlich. What year was that, Mr. Hunter?

Mr. Hunter. Between 1926 and 1928. I remember events well,
but not their years. Next I went to Peking to become managing editor of the Peking
Leader. I joined the Hearst newspaper syndicates in 1931, when the
“Manchuria Incident” began. I witnessed the creation of the puppet
state of Manchukuo. I accompanied the League of Nations mission
of inquiry in Manchuria and saw the coronation of Emperor Pu-yi,
now a prisoner of the Reds.


Hearst’s International News Service then sent me to Europe about he
time of the Reichstag fire and its fake trial. I covered the conquest
of Ethiopia by the Italian Fascists, which took modern psychological
warfare one step beyond Manchukuo. I also saw two civil
wars in Spain, the outbreak in the Basque territory and the big fight,
which was a rehearsal for World War II.
Back to Europe, I witnessed the intrigue in the various foreign offices
preceding the outbreak of hostilities. I saw the Nazis take back the
Rhineland, and how the Germany Army expected the French Government
under Premier Flandin to exhibit determination and show up Hitler
as a failure. Instead, it provided Hitler with a new demonstration
of seemingly inevitable victory, and World War II, of course, followed.
I returned to America just before World War II, joining the foreign
news desk of the New York Post. The Newspaper Guild then was
Communist-dominated. I set up a national committee to coordinate
the efforts of the various anti-Communist factions. For the first time
in the history of trade unionism in America, the entire executive
committee of a union was voted out, although all I did was simply
communicate with these anti-Communist units and let them know
they were not alone. This election restored the Newspaper Guild
to American instead of Moscow-orientated newspapermen.

Colonel Heimlich. When the war came along, Mr. Hunter, you
went into OSS, I understand.

Mr. Hunter. Yes; as a propaganda specialist. I call that my
sabbatical year—really 2 years—away from journalism.

Colonel Heimlich. You covered a very broad area of Asia during
the war years, didn’t you?

Mr. Hunter. I was in what is generally known as the CBI theater:
China, Burma, and India.

Colonel Heimlich. Do you find a measurable difference between
the attitudes of the people dining that period and the present?

Mr. Hunter. During that period, America still had its old meaning
to the peoples of Asia as a symbol of hope that could be relied on to
help on a realistic basis. Back on the New York Post after the war, I found myself in the
midst of a little cold war that perfectly reflected the big one. The
Post helped Wallace for President, and I got up a petition which almost
everybody on the staff signed, pointing out that this did not represent
our true feelings. The result was a thunderbolt to the lady who
owned the newspaper. She fired the executives and divorced her husband,
the publisher. He went out and started the pro-Red Compass.
I stayed on a while as foreign news editor, then returned to Asia
as roving correspondent for the Cox newspapers. I interviewed
Chinese who had escaped from the Red holocaust, witnessed the jungle
warfare in Malaya, and the war by terror in Indochina. I traveled
between Japan, Indonesia, and Burma. Recently I returned after a
year in Afghanistan.

Mr. Arens. Mr. Hunter, how would you characterize the struggle
between the East and the WTest?

Mr. Hunter. We do not have a war between the East and West,
Certainly the Filipinos are not in the West. They are mostly Asians,
like the peoples of Thailand, Iran, and Japan.
This expression, “the war between the East and the West,” has
become a part of our thinking processes, an example of how a phrase


can put great masses of people in a camp where they do not belong.

What we really have is a total war in which a pattern for conquest by the Communist hierarchy is set up against the peoples of all countries outside the Red orbit—no matter whether they call themselves anti-
Communist or neutralists.

Mr. Ahexs. Who are the antagonists in this total war?

Mr. Hunter. They are the Communists on the one side and all the
other peoples of the world on the other. The Reds have a very practical
setup. The antagonists, in their view, are the two strongest elements:
on the one side the Kremlin, on the other side the United States.

Mr. Arens. When you say there is a total war, what do you mean?
It is obvious that there is very little shooting going on in the world
today. What are the devices of this total war?

Mr. Hunter. War has changed its form. The Communists have
discovered that a man killed by a bullet is useless. He can dig no
coal. They have discovered that a demolished city is useless. Its
mills produce no cloth. The objective of Communist warfare is to
capture intact the minds of the people and their possessions, so they
can be put to use. This is the modern conception of slavery, that
puts all others in the kindergarten age.

Mr. Arens. Where is this war being waged.? Where are the battlefields?
What are its geographical locations?

Mr. Hunter. The battlefield is wherever there is no Red “peace.”
Peace, in the Communist vocabulary, is the period when all have
accepted, in a so-called voluntary manner, the inevitability of a
Communist world. The battlefields are all the countries which have
not yet fallen into this Red orbit. The weapons used in this war are
adjusted to the practical situation in each of those countries.

Mr. Arens. What are those weapons?

Mr. Hunter. They range from a smile and a “discussion meeting”
to a leaflet and a bullet.

Mr. Arexs. Is the United States part of this battlefield?

Mr. Huxter. The United States is the main battlefield in this
Red war. I mean specifically the people and the soil and the resources
of the United States.

It should be obvious to anyone who has observed the so-called cold
war that the United States is its principal target. We need only read
what the Communists themselves say, but we refuse to do so, exactly
as we could not believe that Hitler meant what he said, in Mein Kampf.

Mr. Arexs. Does this mean that the principal objective is to convert
the people of the United States to communism? Is their objective
conversion, or subversion and conquest?

Mr. Huxter. Since Hungary, the world should know that communism
is not an ideology except as a weapon for conquest. The
Red objective against the United States is not the conversion of the
American people to communism any more than it was to make true
Communists out of the American prisoners of war in Korea. The
Communist system is a power system, just as was that of Genghis
Khan. We now have the same invading armies, given a new, pious
political phraseology, making them hypocritical in a manner that the
original hordes never were. The objective of all Communist conquest
is simply use for power. They seek to conquer the United States in a
manner so that it “voluntarily” falls into the Red orbit, If we have to
be conquered by destructive nuclear-age weapons, it will be considered


a setback by the Kremlin. Their objective is to make the same use of
the American people as they make of the Czechs in the uranium
mines in Czechoslovakia, and as they make of the Chinese in the mills
of China. We are to become subjects of a “New World Order” for the
benefit of a mad little knot of despots in the Kremlin.

Mr. Arens. On the basis of your background and experience, and as an
intimate observer of this total war, Mr. Hunter, please express to us now
your best appraisal of who is winning and who is losing this total war?

Mr. Hunter. I am always surprised to hear that question. People
at lectures and elsewhere frequently ask that of me, as if begging me to
say that we are winning. I wish I could, but one only has to think
of the position of the United States at the end of the war and compare
it to now. We only have to look at the map of the world as it was
when we signed the peace on the battleship Missouri and compare it
to the map now. Great areas with enormous populations have fallen
into the hands of the Reds, not through any approximation to the
democratic process, but through sheer power pressures, by psychological
warfare. We are losing so fast that unless we put a very
drastic end to it, the question of who is winning will be academic in a
decade. People today also like to say, “This is a hundred-year war.”
Human beings cannot remain in that sort of tenseness for a hundred
years, and the Soviet Russia regime knows it. We are being lulled into
feeling that although we are losing, we don’t have to do anything about
it because by the time the situation reaches a climax we will be dead.
We may be dead, but it won’t be the result of a natural death. I try
to avoid phrases such as “the clock is nearly striking 12,” but there
are times when they are the best descriptions of a reality, and this is
one such time.

Mr. Arens. Some may ask how can you say that, Mr. Hunter,
when we here in the United States are separated by thousands of miles
of ocean from any potential military aggressor, when we have such
military might and such apparent alertness to the potential threat of
an attack by guided missiles?

Mr. Hunter. I wish we had alertness. We have everything except
alertness to the way the Kremlin is fighting this war. We are being
tremendously alert to the ways it is not fighting this war.

Mr. Arens. What do you mean by that?

Mr. Hunter. In Korea, we had atomic weapons, but lost the war
and were unable to use those weapons because of a political and psychological
climate created by the Communists. The Kremlin today is
fighting total war, and this means total, not with weapons of physical
destruction alone, but mental destruction, too. The new weapons
are for conquest intact, of peoples and cities. The future Pearl Harbor
sputnik will be used if the situation demands it. But not unless the
Kremlin has first succeeded in conquering the character and minds of
a large enough element of the American people so that it will be fitting
itself into the desires and needs of the Communist apparatus, no
matter whether they think of themselves as Red or anti-Communist.

Mr. Arens. What is the nature of the victories which are being
won by the international Communist apparatus in the United States?
Mr. Hunter. The first battles in this total war have already been
won by the forces of international communism in the United States.
These victories are identical to those they have won in every country
which they have ultimately taken over. They have succeeded in soft

ening up a large element of the American population, particularly
among those to whom we look for guidance, our so-called intellectuals
and our so-called liberal circles. They have succeeded in making the
United States think and talk of a coexistence period as if that were
an end in itself; while in other parts of the world, as in India, the
Reds frankly explain that this coexistence is merely intended to give
the Americans an easy way to choose their road toward communism.
This is strategy. The Kremlin is merely giving the United States
a choice of surrendering by voluntary change of attitude, to avoid
more destructive ways of surrender. Unfortunately, in the United
States, large elements, mainly among our non-Communist population,
have been softened up into believing that if we can just stall on this
situation, it will take care of itself. The Reds have succeeded in
inducing business communities to look to Soviet trade as a means of
restoring prosperity. Large business elements, with all their financial
and other resources, are now being used to help the Communist objective
of softening up America for recognition and acceptance of Red
China, for instance.

This Communist offensive has a double objective. One is the softening
up, first stage of this total war. The other is to convince the
peoples in their own Red-dominated countries that there is no hope.
Since the Hungarian revolt, nobody in a Communist country thinks
any longer of a Red ideology, but only of Red power. The overwhelming
mass of people are against communism in each Red country,
including Red China and Red Russia. The only means by which
these people can be discouraged from overthrowing their despots is
by convincing them that they stand all alone; that the free world has
accepted communism as inevitable.

American students, professors, and businessmen who wander
through Red countries, in the eyes of the people there, confirm the
Communist propaganda line that there is no hope; that the free world,
especially America, the symbol of the free world, has given in to the
Reds. That was the Communist purpose at the much-publicized
Bandung Conference, when the Asian and African countries met. The
broadcasts to the people of China by the Peking regime stressed that
all this proved that the outside world had recognized that Red China is
here to stay. Any time an American student walks down a street in
Red China, he is conveying one message to the silenced people who
see him, and that is, “Don’t look to the outside world, don’t look to
America, for help in your hour of need. We have.let you down. We are
betraying you.” There is no hate so fierce as the hate of a friend who
feels he has been betrayed, and that is the theme of the whole world
Communist propaganda program today; to convince the people inside
communism, who hate it, that we have betrayed them, while convincing
the people outside of the Communist world, principally in America,
that there is a future for what they call, in their doubletalk, coexistence.

Mr. Arexs. What is your reaction to the suggestions which we now
hear from many quarters that the United States of America through
its leaders sit down at a conference table with Kruschchev and his
associates and work out an agreement or agreements of some kind
to solve this impasse?

•Mr. Hunter. You can always sit down around a green table with
the Communists and negotiate anything you wish, so long as it does
not require actual concessions by the Communist world, but requires


only such concessions by ourselves. That has been the uninterrupted
record of such negotiations with the Reds.

Mr. Arens. What, in your judgment, would be the result of another
summit meeting?

Mr. Hunter. The same as all such meetings in the past, only on
an aggravated scale. We had a Geneva Conference. The results
were broadcast throughout Asia as a stunning defeat for the free
world. The results in actual conquest, the taking over of non-Communist
areas by the Communists, were visible to anyone who compared
maps. The Geneva Conference was a surrender. Its “spirit of Geneva,”
which Prime Minister Nehru holds forth as the pattern to be
followed by us in the future, meant no more than piecemeal surrender.
The Reds will always give up something that is a paper promise, no
matter what, in exchange for something tangible. We still accept
paper promises as equivalent to what is tangible. So long as we continue
in that delusion, such conferences serve only the purpose of
continued chiseling away of parts of the free world.

Mr. Arens. Let us return to what you have characterized as the
battleground in the United States in this total war, Mr. Hunter. It is
quite obvious that there is no shooting going on in the United States.
What is going on here that you can characterize or describe?

Mr. Hunter. I spent 30 years, a little bit more perhaps, in countries
under various forms of Communist pressure and attack. What I am
witnessing in America is no different from what I saw in those other
countries. I am often referred to as someone who has made phenomenal
predictions that proved correct on things to come. Actually,
I have never made a prediction as such in my life. I have only
predicted in the manner that one predicts the total of 4 after seeing
the figures 2 plus 2.

I have been watching developments under communism in other
parts of the world, and now I see exactly the same developments
here in America.

Mr. Arens. What are those developments?

Mr. Hunter. They include, first of all, the penetration of our
leadership circles by a softening up and creating a defeatist state of
mind. This includes penetration of our educational circles by a
similar state of mind, in addition to one other thing—the long-range
perspective of the professor who is above anything that is happening
here and now, and considers himself as an objective spectator in a long,
long vista of history. I see primarily, as part of this softening up
process in America, the liquidation of our attitudes on what we used to
recognize as right and wrong, what we used to accept as absolute moral
standards. We now confuse moral standards with the sophistication
of dialectical materialism, with a Communist crackpot theology which
teaches that everything changes, and that what is right or wrong,
good or bad, changes as well. So nothing they say is really good or
bad. There is no such thing as truth or a lie ; and any belief we actually
held was simply our being unsophisticated. They don’t say this in
so many words, except to those who are already indoctrinated in
communism. What they do say to the rest of us is to be objective;
and then they twist that word “objective” into meaning what they
mean by dialectical materialism.

Mr. Arens. Is this weakening in America coincidental with the
Communist drive, or in your opinion, is it concocted and deliberate?

- to continue reading, download this book - ca. 40 pages

Communist Psychological Warfare - 1958



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